Saturday, 12 December 2015

Ecology and Spirituality

By Margarida Alvim, FEC Portugal

It was really good to have yesterday an "Ecology and Spirituality" time to put our hopes and expectations in the right mode, the mode of the Spirit. Beyond our efforts, the Spirit moves us towards a better World! We have to count on it! But I feel that it's very easy for us to forget it. And that's why, in this journey for justice, we can feel frustrated...

Pope Francis, with Laudato Si, is reminding us of our Roots, our Light, integrating our actions in our Faith...that can move mountains!

Ecology leads us to the Care of the Common House, Spirituality leads us to serve the Common Good, to leave our own interests, collaborating in the Kingdom of Justice, Peace and Joy, the Good News to every person. Spirituality is a common language between all Humanity, all human beings, as we could share yesterday with four different perspectives coming from Europe (Catholic perspective with Laudato Si), Asia (bhudist spirituality), Latin America (indigenous spirituality) and Africa (enculturation of Christianity in African culture).

Interconnection, interdependence, integration...these are the fruits of the Spirit in our lives and in our World, that all the panelists mentioned. Are we, Church organizations, really aware of the power of the Spirit in our Mission? In the Climate negotiations? The Paris agreement and the post-Paris agenda need our Faith and not only our action. The Spirit can bring together what is now really disconnected. On the one hand, the impressive mobilization of civil society all around the world, calling for Climate Justice. On the other hand, the weak, frustrating, unacceptable answer of some countries in the negotiations. Let's allow His presence through our lives and efforts. Let's be more and more Ecology and Spirituality persons!

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